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purchase exchange policy? 2008/5/7 07:34
I purchased an electronic dictionary at Yodobashi Camera in Umeda yesterday. I thought I was getting one that had speech, but it looks like I got one that didn't. I got the Canon G90 wordtank, and the salesman gave me an english manual for the V80 which looks like what I really wanted.

Does anyone know what their exchange policy is? I don't know much about returning things in Japan.

Also, does anyone know the differences between these two models? Other than speech of course. If it is just speech maybe I will just keep it and save myself the trouble of trying to return things... I don't know very much Japanese at all.
by Robyn  

... 2008/5/7 08:39
From Canon's website:

- Features: Touch-panel kanji recognition and search - also sound function available
- Chinese - Japanese/Japanese - Chinese dictionaries: 6 different ones
- Chinese conversation dictionary
- Oxford English - Chinese dictionary
- Oxford English - English
- Oxford Thesaurus
- Genius English - Japanese
- Genius Japanese - English
- Katakana words dictionary
- Kanji
- Japanese thesaurus
- Japanese proverbs
- PC vocabulary
- Modern Chinese new words dictionary

- Features: Sounds available, also touch-panel search
- Chinese - Japanese/Japanese - Chinese dictionaries: 2
- Chinese conversation dictionary
- Oxford English - Chinese dictionary
- Oxford English - English
- Genius English - Japanese
- Genius Japanese - English
- Japanese - Japanese dictionary
- Kanji
- Kanji proverbs
- Japanese proverbs
- Guide to pronouncing people's names

Both have sound function, though.
From Canon's description, V80 is a bit simpler in its contents and more geared towards convenience for travelers (as well as learners), and G90 is more for advanced learners (more extensive range of dictionaries), also comes with extensive Japanese dictionaries.
As I'm not a learner of the Chinese language, I am not familiar with the different types of dictionary contents for the language.

You might want to check with the manufacturer/shop again if they have the manual for G90 - because that one has more English functions, they SHOULD have the manual in English as well somewhere :)
If you are sure you want to exchange it, if you have the receipt from the shop, as well as all packaging (box and everything) from the product, they SHOULD give you an exchange.
by AK rate this post as useful

hmm.. 2008/5/7 09:39
Are you sure the G90 has sound? There are no visible speakers or volume control. And I can't really read much Japanese, but I didn't see anything in the Japanese manual either. Any help is appreciated! I mainly need something for traveling, but I want the most English friendly model available.
by Robyn rate this post as useful

My bad... 2008/5/7 09:53
Whoops, sorry! I was looking at another model (V90) which has everything - so G90 does not have sound function...
by AK rate this post as useful

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