
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Yufuin or Kokura/Mojiko 2008/5/8 11:04
If I have 3.5 hours in the afternoon to spare, is it better to go for Yufuin or Kokura? I will be returning from Beppu to Hakata, so thinking to stop at either place for the afternoon.

I'm looking more for sightseeing - seeing sceneries (natural or man-made), unique buildings or culture.
by Tommy  

... 2008/5/9 08:28
Traveling from Beppu to Hakata via Yufuin takes about 1.5 hours longer than traveling via Kokura. I guess that reduces your 3.5 hour afternoon to a 2 hour afternoon, which I don't think is worth the effort of accessing Yufuin.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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