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what's the word for these clothes
2008/5/14 22:14
I am in Osaka right now and was wondering what some things were called, and hopefully even where I could buy them.
The first thing is a sleeping yukata. I went to a ryokan the other night and they provided us with comfy sleeping yukata... but I assume they have a more specific name than yukata.
The second thing is a pant suit for women that has long pants and a top similar to a jinbei (sp?). They look so comfortable! Some of the staff at the ryokan was wearing them, and I have seen some old ladies around Osaka wearing nicer silk versions.
Thanks in advance!
by Robyn
yukata & samui?
2008/5/15 17:48
Hi Robyn, As for your first question, usually they are no different than ordinary yukata, except that ryokans only have thin obi (belt) available. The only other expression I can think of is "ryokan no yukata (yukata of ryokan)". But maybe you're talking about another special design. As for your second question, I can guess it's a "samui". I can't think of anything especially for women except the WW2 era "monpe", but I doubt they'd wear them at a ryokan today. Here is a photo of samui., the best way to find out the answers to your question may be to ask the ryokan you're talking about.
by Uco
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we call it nemaki in Osaka
2008/5/15 20:56
We call the first thing “nemaki", in Osaka. Originally, the word meant nightwear generally. We use the words "nemaki" now to distinguish the nightwear like yukata from pajamas. I guess that it is sold at bedclothes store or kimono store.
by sleepy osakan
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There is a store in Osaka (Tennoji) called Kinokuniya (not the bookstore)that sell exactly what you are looking for and they are very reasonably priced. Check site address below: Google doesn't recognize it type KINOKUNIYA WEB SHOP WA. The store is located near JR Tamatukuri station. click on the map link in their internet site
by Auntie Bert
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more about clothes
2008/5/16 04:02
CORRECTION: despite what the Kinokuniya map says all my other Osaka maps shows the nearby JR loop line station as Tamatsukuri, not Tamatukuri. The nearby cross avenue is Nahagori-Dori.The Tamatsukuri area is actually closer to the castle than to Tennoji. Another place where you should have a look is the huge shopping arcade (2.6 km or 1.7 miles long) called Tenjinbashi-suji accessible via the JR Tenma station on the loop line. Please let us know how your shopping trip goes.
by Auntie Bert
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What's the word for japanese clothes.
2008/5/16 13:47
I suppose. The sleeping yukata which you had weared is called "Tanzen"or"Dotera", and a pant suit for women what the staff at the ryokan is cold "Monpe".
by Yoshiya Higuchi
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A tanzen or dotera is a nightgown to wear over yukata or nemaki in winter season. It may be too warm to sleep wearing dotera, if there is futon.
by sleepy
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I appreciate it.
2008/5/17 21:58
Thank you .. So I've noticed from the other post. No wonder my keyboard didn't convert into kanji. But all my friends seem to call it "samui". Nihongo ga midareteimasune.
by Uco
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