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JR Rail Pass to Osaka and Kyoto 2008/5/18 15:18
Hello. Does anyone know if there is ONE multi pass I can get that will allow me to travel from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto and then back to Tokyo using the bullet trains?
by USAngel  

... 2008/5/18 15:53
What do you mean with "multi pass"?

The 7-day Japan Rail Pass would cost you about the same as a regular shinkansen tickets for a round trip between Osaka and Tokyo:
by Uji rate this post as useful

Multi pass.... 2008/5/18 18:49
Hello. I mean a pass that will allow me to travel on the trains without having to buy more than one. Would I be able to use that ONE pass to Osaka from Tokyo, back to Tokyo, then go to Kyoto and then back to Tokyo again all using that one same pass? For example, something like the subway can zip all over the place as long as its with the same company. Does the bullet train have a similar pass?
by USAngel rate this post as useful

... 2008/5/18 19:26
Japan rail pass does allow you to travel from Tokyo to Osaka to Tokyo to Kyoto to Tokyo again within 7/14/21 days.

If you use subway networks in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, however, you need to buy tickets/other pass as subways are not operated by JR
by Ts rate this post as useful

Arigatoo 2008/5/19 04:44
Thank you so much. I will check the JR site or the site I saw for the Japan Rail Pass for overseas travelers. Thanks guys.
by USAngel rate this post as useful

. 2008/5/19 06:13
Just wondering if there is a reason for going Tokyo - Osaka - Tokyo - Kyoto - Tokyo instead of just Tokyo - Osaka - Kyoto - Tokyo? As Osaka and Kyoto are no more than about 30 minutes away it seems a waste of time going all the way back to Tokyo.
by RobBeer rate this post as useful

A month 2008/5/19 06:50
Hi RobBeer. I'm going to be in Tokyo for about a month so I thought i'd break the trips to Kyoto and Osaka into mini trips.
by USAngel rate this post as useful

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