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Osaka Aquarium or Nagoya Aquarium 2008/5/21 23:58
I'll be having a trip to Japan in early June and will pass by Nagoya and Osaka. I've read up on the description of Osaka and Nagoya Aquarium but I still cant figure out which is better and worth going.

Any comments will be much appreciated. Thanks alot!
by JM  

Nagoya 2008/5/22 10:06
I went to Nagoya Aquarium last year and I really liked it. the shows were good and the various displays were really interesting
by ozgirl rate this post as useful

Nagoya by far. 2008/5/22 12:02
Nagoya is pretty good. They have shows, penguins, turtles, and nearby is the Italian Village, Lookout and Icebreaker. I normally don't have gret things to say about Nagoya's tourist attractions, but the Port is great.
I have photos at

I was not impressed with Osaka's Aquarium. Osaka was famous for its Orca? but it died and now they have a much smaller one. There was one giant pool (biggest in Japan) that you walked around in a spiral going down. So really you got lots of different views of the one pool which was good but not as much variety as Nagoya. Admittadly there were other small pools but there is also no show and not much else in the area around the aquarium.

The other thing to check out in Nagoya is the Tokagawa museum. A good garden to walk around and then a nice museum. If you have a day in Nagoya they would be my top two picks. (Not counting shopping in Sakae, Inuyama Castle, Toyota Factory tour, etc)
by Michael Riley rate this post as useful

.. 2008/5/22 19:43
Thanks for your replies! Well I guess its Nagoya for me then. Btw Michael, nice photos you have there.
by JM rate this post as useful

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