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Scuba dive & Japan Rail Pass 2008/5/22 19:08
ILm 40 years old and I would like visit Japan with the Japan rail pass diving all that I can around the Railway (places near the sea) could you recommend me any places to dive on cheap places to sleep there?
Thanks in advance.
P.S: I kown okinawa is perfect to dive buy I just have 7 days to change the main island.
by Alberto  

... 2008/5/24 00:43
Hi, from what I've seen (and speaking to a few Japanese), there aren't too many dive sites away from Okinawa. The Izu peninsula (a couple of hours from Tokyo) is one option though. There's a little information here:

I enjoy diving myself, but as for Japan I have only done this in Okinawa. Having done a lot of travelling round Japan (and a little research) nowhere particularly stood out. I'd be happy if I'm corrected on this though...
by Paul rate this post as useful

Kushimoto 2008/5/24 12:45
Kushimoto is popular in West Japan district.

Check this site
by YMD rate this post as useful

tks 2008/5/25 21:43
Thaks, guys.
I so grateful to your help.
by albert rate this post as useful

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