Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Takkyubin office hours Kansai Airport 2008/5/25 15:51
We will be arriving at 8.30pm at Kansai Airport (perhaps later if its delayed). We would like to send our luggage by takkyubin to Tokyo, but it looks like the counters are closed for baggage delivery and are only open for baggage storage at that time of night. (This is what it looks like to me when looking at KIX website) Can anyone clarify?
Otherwise will train to Namba have luggage storage space? Then we will get our hotel to organise delivery to Tokyo, as per advice on this forum.
Any other ideas gratefully accepted.
by traceyk  

... 2008/5/25 19:23
According to the official website, the luggage delivery counters are open until 22:30:
by Uji rate this post as useful

. 2008/5/25 19:55
The Nankai limited express 'rapi:t' actually has luggage space, though the last one leaves KIX at 22:35 hrs.

You might also consider taking the limousine bus to Namba OCAT in case your flight arrives late. It's 880 yen each way and the last coach leaves KIX at 22:25. Cheaper than the rapi:t train.

by optimistk rate this post as useful

japanese sites different to english 2008/5/25 22:04
Thanks for the info.
Uji, Japanese website for KIX is different to English - so looks like 22.30 closing as opposed to English site that says 18.00, which is great news.
And optomistk, good to know there are other options, just in case.
Wish I'd known about this on our first trip, would have saved lots of trouble with bags on trains.

by traceyk rate this post as useful

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