Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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buying used car 2008/5/27 20:22
hello there, i was wandering if someone can help with the list of items, documents that i need to prepare if i want to buy a used car from someone. i need this for the car registration on my name.
by yechie  

tricky 2008/5/31 01:43
First you must have a Hanko or Inkan. Then pay the 300yen to get a registration certificate of your inkan/Hanko. Go to the cops and get a shakushomae form to prove you have a parking spot. Probably will need a Japanese person to fil it out etc
by Tiger05 rate this post as useful

other 2008/5/31 09:27
There's also the transfer of ownership papers, and others...

I just got a third party to organize everything. Myself and the previous owner paid 10,000yen each to do EVERYTHING for us.

We just needed to have our Hanko and signed all of the rest. The got all of the forms, and filled everything out for us.
by Sandy rate this post as useful

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