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Has the tsuyu officially started? 2008/5/29 00:02
Haven't heard any news about the rainy season. Has it officially started? Has it reached Okinawa or Kyushu?
by Tommy  

... 2008/5/29 10:53
Tsusyu has started in Okinawa just a few days ago with a delay of two weeks. It has not started anywhere else, although today feels like tsuyu.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Tokyo? 2008/6/3 07:00
How long does it take to hit Tokyo?

Uji, Japan Guide (or JNTO) should pay you! You're so helpful!
by R. rate this post as useful

raining today 2008/6/3 08:06
Note that tsuyu does not really start "officially". The Meteorological Agency claims that they never make official announcements saying that tsuyu has started or not. It's always "so-called" they say. To avoid confusion, they even banned the annual and so-called "tsuyu-iri-sengen (announcement of the beginning of rainy season)" on weather reports one year.

But it seems that the locals feel better when someone in the media tells you that we've "tsuyu-iri" and the next year, the expression came back.

However, it does sound practical that they don't make official announcements. By the time they tell you it's tsuyu-iri, your town is pretty much soaky wet. I guess you see the rain first and then you hear the announcements to make you feel happy, or perhaps unhappy.

We've been having a very wet spring in the Metropolitan area this year. It's been like there's 2 days of rain, then 2 sunny days and 3 days of rain again, ever since May. I hardly get to dry my futon beddings, but then I hardly have to water my garden.
by Uco rate this post as useful

tsuyu iri 2008/6/3 12:45
The weather report on the small screen they have on the Chuo Line trains was saying this morning that rainy season started yesterday. Uco is right though, it has been such a rainy spring that it is hardly going to make any difference anyway...
by koala1 rate this post as useful

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