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Can I bring Panadol and herb pills 2008/5/30 10:48
I am going to Japan for a week, and i am wondering if i could bring Panadol (similar to Aspirin) and herb pills (vitamim) in my luggage?
by Elyysa  

medication 2008/5/30 13:35
Elyysa ,
I do not see any problem. I have done that many times, never a question asked.
by liem rate this post as useful

Yes 2008/5/30 19:16
Yes, neither of those are restricted. I have also brought them into Japan plenty of times.
by Sira rate this post as useful

valerian 2008/6/3 06:58
I have taken panadol and valerian (herbal sleeping pills) in, no questions asked.
by R. rate this post as useful

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