
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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JR pass from Takayama/Tokyo/Osaka 2008/6/4 09:26
Hi everyone,

I have a question about my 7 day JR pass. this is my itinerary:

19/6 - kyoto to takayama
20/6 - takayama
21/6-25/6 - from takayama to tokyo
26/6-28/6 - tokyo to osaka.

Seems like there's an extra day out for my 7 day HR pass. I can only use it until the 25/6 when I wanted to get back to osaka on the 26/6.

what should I do? just buy a local pass from toyko to osaka?

any suggestions would be good! :)
by Dee  

... 2008/6/4 11:45
Tokyo to Osaka is more expensive than Kyoto to Takayama. If anything, you'll save more money paying your way to takayama and then starting your 7-day pass.

Hopefully someone can come up with a better suggestion but if not, you should start your pass on 20/6 as it will save you some money.
by HawaiiLS rate this post as useful

.. 2008/6/6 09:21
thanking you! :)
by Dee rate this post as useful

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