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Which JR Pass to buy? 2008/6/6 07:32
Hi, I will be in Japan for 21 days from 6-26 July and plan to cover mainly Hokkaido. I had wanted to take a flight direct to Sapporo from Narita but all domestic flights were full on the days I wanted. So, I have decided to enter Hokkaido via train instead.

My itinerary includes the following cities : Tokyo - Hakodate - Noboribetsu - Kushiro - Shiretoko - Wakkanai - Ashaikawa - Furano - Sapporo - Tokyo.

Upon arrival at Narita, I plan to take the train straight away to Hakodate. I will be staying in each town/city for about 2 to 3 days.

I am thinking of buying the 21 days JR Pass but I am also aware that there are other regional passes such as the JR Hokkaido Rail Pass, JR Hokkaido Free Pass, etc. Which pass should I get in order to enjoy more saving? Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks!
by Pat  

... 2008/6/6 10:07
The flights from Narita to Chitose may be full, but have you considered flying from Haneda (Tokyo's domestic airport) to Chitose instead. It is a much more frequented route that should have many flights available. Here's some info on flights from Haneda to Chitose:


And info on domestic air travel:
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