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cheapest way from Hiroshima to Shizuoka 2008/6/8 22:14
Hi, i will be in hiroshima, but my friend is getting married in shizuoka and i want to know if there is a cheap way to get there, other than shinkansen. Thanks!

by Rick  

... 2008/6/8 23:38
If you have the patience and happen to travel during university holidays, the Seishun 18 Kippu could be the cheapest way of travel:

Otherwise, I recommend highway buses with a transfer in Osaka.
by Uji rate this post as useful

. 2008/6/9 03:15
JR West Bus sells a connection discount ticket for 9,200 yen each way between Hiroshima and Shizuoka via Osaka.

This is only in Japanese.
by optimistk rate this post as useful

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