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Laptop with English OS (Sendai)
2008/6/10 14:23
I need to buy a laptop. But I do not know which shops in Sendai can provide me one with an english OS. Can someone please recommend a shop?
by Sakura
english pc
2008/9/7 20:43
I've found a shop near east exit of sendai station, about 10 min from the station. I'm not quite sure but the shop's name is like ''Pasocon cobo'' or somthing like that. I hope you find it:)
by kennyfps
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The shop's name is PCNET nowadays. passed through it yesterday an' still there so you can try to check:) ah,by the way, let me give you some tips about PC before you check out one there. I think they don't offer OS DVD, and PCs should be used with so-so performance and the hardware could be busted soon though, you could try good one without OS with same price and can put linux OS for free. linux isnt so difficult with Graphical Interface :) Actually I bought a PC without windows OS and could save some money It depends on you but hope my advice helps you buying a new PC.
by kennyfps
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