
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Bears in Hokkaido 2008/7/7 01:59
Hi! I was just curious about how this works in Japan. I want to visit the Shiretoko NP in early September and wander around for about a week. Is it dangerous to do so, because of the bears or other wild animals living there? I mean, in Alaska you have to clap your hands or make a steady noise with some stones in order to avoid surprising any bears around you, so they won't attack you. Do you obtain a plastic container to store food and other stuff that could lure some bears to your tent? Is there a gate at the entrance of the National Park itself or just a sign that indicates the beginning? Well, that's all so far, it's just that I've never met a bear in reality so far, and I'm even not sure whether I want to... thanks anyways!
by Georg  

... 2008/7/7 10:12
The brown bears in Hokkaido are potentially dangerous, although, in reality I think there are virtually no fatalities, because the bears usually avoid the humans. I think there are more fatalities on Honshu where the smaller black bears live closer to the cities and farming areas.

Nevertheless, like in Alaska, it is recommended to make some noise when hiking in the national park. And to store your food responsibly when camping outdoors.
by Uji rate this post as useful

.. 2008/7/7 11:39
When we were in Shiretoko National Park last October, our guide advised us to carry a bell to scare off the bears. Brown bears are dangerous but not too sure whether this is really effective in scaring them off!
by tju rate this post as useful

... 2008/7/7 13:08
Brown bears are dangerous but not too sure whether this is really effective in scaring them off!

The point of the bell is not to scare the bears off but to make them aware of your presence so that you don't accidentally surprise one.

When hiking in Shiretoko, as in any bear country, as long as you make your presence known to the bears (either with bells, talking, etc.) and handle your food responsibly you shouldn't have any problems and will likely not even see a bear.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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