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Flat screen compatable in Japan? 2008/7/7 15:22
Hi, I am going to purchase a flat screen tv here in the US before my company moves me to japan. Does anyone know if it will be compatable with Japanese power and cable connections? I am not sure what brand yet by the way.
by Ryan  

TVs 2008/7/8 01:16
nothing to do with cable: The USA and Japan use different TV systems.
by Sensei 2 rate this post as useful

. 2008/7/8 02:37
Why buy in the US? Buy in Japan if you use it in Japan.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

.. 2008/7/8 03:53
So no tv's purchased in the US will work in Japan?
I am buying here because the advice I have been given is it is cheaper here in the US and my company will also ship all my stuff for free.
by Ryan rate this post as useful

. 2008/7/8 06:40
You should be able to use a US purchased TV in Japan. Contrary to Sensei 2's statement, the US and Japan use the same basic TV broadcasting system, NTSC. There is a minor difference between the US (NTSC-M) and the Japanese (NTSC-J) versions that may affect the picture brightness.

The other difference is the power supply, the US uses 110-120 volts/60 HZ, Japan uses 100 Volts at 50 HZ in eastern Japan and 60 HZ in western Japan. Your TV should work OK on the Japanese power supply and may even be rated 100-120 volts, but if not you could also use a step-up 100 to 120 volt converter.

Alternatively, you could get a multi-system TV that will work anywhere in the world with any power/broadcast system. Here is an example of some Hitachi TVs:

This is just an example and not a recommendation of either the site or TV manufacturer.
by RobBeer rate this post as useful

. 2008/7/8 06:43
As for analog broadcast, you need channel adjustment yet some VHF channels cannot be seen.

As for digital broadcast, no compatibility at all.

If you use your TV only for DVD playback, game console etc., there should not be big problems except power voltage.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

. 2008/7/8 06:54
You should be able to use a US purchased TV in Japan. Contrary to Sensei
2's statement, the US and Japan use the same basic TV broadcasting
system, NTSC. There is a minor difference between the US (NTSC-M) and
the Japanese (NTSC-J) versions that may affect the picture brightness.

Receiving broadcast is a more complex problem. For example, 90MHz to
108MHz is used for FM radio in the US but for TV channels in Japan.
So American TV cannot receive these channels in Japan.
Other channles are also affected more or less.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

Not TV, but VCR 2008/7/8 08:50
I brought a VCR from Japan and the TV channels did not work in the USA, so I imagine if you bring a TV to Japan from the USA, it also won't work.
by Hugh rate this post as useful

. 2008/7/8 09:21
meringue4: Regarding analog transmissions, these are pretty much redundant. The US plans to end analog TV transmissions in February 2009 and Japan in 2011. Analog is already history in the Netherlands and some parts of the UK.

I assumed that the original poster would be using cable, satellite or digital terrestial.

With regard to your statement that the TV would not be compatible for digital broadcast, I assume you mean the in-build digital terrestial tuner. But this can be overcome with a Japanese standard (ISDB) set top box.
by RobBeer rate this post as useful

.. 2008/7/8 10:06
You guys are speaking a language I don't understand! LoL, thank you for all of your help though. Rob I think you are right because I have recieved similar feedback from other people there. Guys/gals thanks again for all of your help
by Ryan rate this post as useful

. 2008/7/8 14:41
As Ryan said nothing about his/her use of TV and where he/she lives in Japan, nothing should be assumed. I wouldn't recommend a TV that cannot receive most channels.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

.... 2008/7/8 16:04
I am going to use it to watch tv, and i will be movingto nagoya
by Ryan rate this post as useful

TV 2008/7/8 16:28
Just buy the TV in Japan, it's not like you're going to save that much money buying it in the US anyways (if any)

Also, are you willing to go through the hassle if the TV breaks while under warranty (you can't get it fixed here in Japan under the warranty) and TVs here in Japan are a lot cheaper here now too.
by Danny rate this post as useful

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