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is american express accepted in japan 2008/7/20 19:34
is american express accepted in japan
by bebby  

Yes 2008/7/20 20:53
Yes, in some places.
Generally, most major credit cards (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Diners) are accepted in most department stores, and large retail outlets.
Some places do not take credit cards, particularly small shops and quite a lot of smaller restaurants.
The most accepted in order are Visa & Mastercard, then AMEX, then Diners.
by Sandy rate this post as useful

>< 2008/7/20 23:04
The most knocked back card on the planet. More trouble than its worth. Retailers either don't take it or want to charge you a fee for using it.
by RodW rate this post as useful

AMEX 2008/7/21 09:31
I have never had any trouble using my American Express in Japan. In fact it is my card of choice
by rt rate this post as useful

mmh 2008/8/30 20:09
so is diners welcome in dept store etc? or must i ask them do they except diners before buyin? thnks
by shim rate this post as useful

. 2008/8/30 21:04
I can't speak for Diners in specific but
Most stores that accept credit cards will have at the register or near the register a placecard with pictures and a list of all the cards they accept.

As for Amex, it is accepted at many places that accept credit cards in Japan, its not knocked back as one poster mentioned.
by John rate this post as useful

... 2008/8/31 01:33
One thing to consider, while credit cards do generally give you a good exchange rate, there is also a fee for the exchange. Visa/Mastercard, for example, will charge a 1% fee (called processing, handling, etc). On top of that, the actual bank that issues the card may charge a fee as well, though a few banks will actually refund the fee charged by visa/mastercard! As for amex, I do not know about their business cards which very well may be different, but as for their personal cards, even their "no fee of any kind" Clear card will charge 2% for foreign currency transactions.

All that said, there is a lot to think about when choosing a card to travel with, just thought I would point something out!
by bgalfond rate this post as useful

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