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Ferry Japan-Okinawa-Taiwan
2008/7/25 23:11
My travelroute is Vienna-Moscov-Vladivostok-Japan(four weeks)-Okinawa-Taiwan
I have checked al transprtation excluding the ferry between Japan and Taiwan! Has anyone a tip about ferries at that line. I only know "Arimura" but I heard that this company gave up. Thank you and nice greetings form Vienna
by Marcus
That's right. The ferry between Okinawa and Taiwan went bankrupt and stopped operation.
But there are flights between Naha Airport and Taiwan.
by Uji
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arimura bankrupt?
2008/10/26 03:08
Is it really true that Arimura connection between Okinawa and Taiwan has been abolished permanently? I am a travel writer and have been promoting that route for more than 10 years.
by Tapani Jussila
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Yes, as of June 6, 2008, the service has been discontinued. It is likely to be permanent, I am afraid, unless a major investor can be found or a different company starts service on that route.
by Uji
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I'm trying ...
2009/2/5 18:50
I am currently in Okinawa, looking for a boat to Taiwan. Last year, a newspaper announced that a ferry between Yonaguni (the Western-most island of Japan) and Karen in Taiwan would start in Dec 2008. However, today I called what I think is the tourist office in Yonaguni, and they didn't know about this. I will keep you posted on how it goes, and please please let me know if you find a solution as how to get to Taiwan without flying :)
by Harald (guest)
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Thanks Harald, please keep trying, many more de-winged travelers out there who want this route to remain...
by Louise Rouse (guest)
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