
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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What does the name "Shiori mean?" 2008/8/8 04:51
Ive been hearing the character name, Shiori for a while now, and was just wondering what it meant?
by Kitty  

... 2008/8/8 12:41
Do you have the writing in kanji for the name? As the same-sounding name can be written with different kanji combinations (= different meanings), you would need that.
Character in what story is it?
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2008/8/9 05:19
As a common noun, shiori (x) means bookmark. It is used as a female given name too.

There are other kanji candidates for a female given name Shiori (such as D), but they tend to be named after kanji pronunciation rather than meaning.
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

. 2008/8/10 10:09
I've never seen this Shiori D=poet weaver before, but I like it very much.
by tokyogal rate this post as useful

Thanks 2008/8/11 12:20
Umm, im not quite sure of the Kanji or anything, I just heard the name somewhere and was wondering what it meant. Thank you though!
by Kitty rate this post as useful

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