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buying a car in japan--kanagawa/tokyo
2008/8/19 19:12
Looking to buy a new or used car in this area. Would you recommend a used car or new? Kei or full-sized? What do you need to buy a brand new car-can you get a loan? Or is it better spending the money on a used car? I plan to be here another 2-3 years, use the car daily to drive about 20mins each way to work, go surfing on wkends and maybe a few road trips now and then. It's only me and my bf to travel in it and boards can fit above on a rack,if its a small car...any recommended models? (Now I have a Nissan March and it's getting pretty old)I don't necessary need something fancy but I need reliable. Any advice? Thanks!
by kel
2008/8/19 22:45
There's a place that sells used cars to expats at cheap prices. He's about 1/3 the way up the hill towards Yokohama International School(Yokohama on The Bluff), from Motomachi-Chukagai station. I think it's called "Camel" or something like that. Generally he will sell you a car, and buy it back when you leave.
by Sandy
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try the uss auto auctions. you can find lots of good deals on lots of good cars, just make sure they still have shaken on them. also remember you need proof of a parking space before you can even buy a car here.
by winterwolf
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Thanks for the info...anyone can recommend if a kei or a regular car is better? I know kei cars are cheaper all around but what about safety? Or is it just better to buy a regular sized car? I'm trying to factor in how much more I will have to pay for shaken and costs...
by kel
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The sorts of prices you are looking at are in the range of 400,000 - 700,000 yen with shaken at Camel. If you can also look at noticeboards at international schools (a bit late for that now), or at places like YCAC (Yokohama Country & Athletic Club) in Yokohama, you will see some cars for as little as 200,000 with shaken.
e.g. I bought a 9 year old Mitsubishi Legnum(sports wagon) with 88,000km, 22 months shaken left, for 290,000yen.
by Sandy
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in agreement with sandy's choice here; the legnum and the subaru legacy wagon's are available extremely cheaply in japan for some reason. there are boat loads of 96-99 subaru legacys and mitsubishi legnum's for under 200,000yen from many many dealers around japan, check the used autos section of for that. the only downside is the legnum and legacy are twin turbocharged which means they are very powerful cars and not exactly great on gas, especially the automatic models. you'll need a foot diet to keep it from pushing the pedal too much!
by winterwolf
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My Legnum is non turbo, automatic, but has 5 speed tiptronic, so it's actually quite fuel efficient.
by Sandy
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