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Where can I buy a hedgehog in Tokyo?
2008/9/3 08:17
by Sallo
I knew someone who had one, and they are cute. HOWEVER.....
Getting someone a pet as a gift is not such a great idea. It requires care for it's whole life, and how do you know your friend wants one (unless they asked for it). Just my thoughts
by Kazuyuki78
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hedgehog in Japan
2008/9/3 13:32
I took this on as an exercise in web surfing, and here:'s all in japanese. it looks like it's a chain, and it looks like a hedgehog will run you 20,000 to 30,000 yen. Must be a good friend! All that aside I used to work as a vet assistant for a vet who treated exotic animals - of which we considered the hedgehog one - and they are harder to care for than publicized, I think. I would make sure your friend WANTS this responsibility.
by Spendthrift
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