
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Samurai swordsmithing 2008/9/4 19:42
Is there anywhere that you can go where you can view people forging samurai swords? I have looked at the site for Tokyo Sword, but they only seem to sell them - I would love to see the process of how they are made.

Please help!!
by Jimbo  

swords 2008/9/4 22:23
by mackey rate this post as useful

Bizen-Osafune 2008/9/4 22:57
I've been to the Bizen-Osafune museum (link above in mackey's post). However, while there was a forging demonstration it was only of folding the metal. They didn't actually pound out a sword blank. But it is still very interesting to watch.

I have pictures and videos of my visit to the museum here:


The English website for the museum doesn't have a calendar of events. But I had someone translate the Japanese language site for me and at the time of my visit the demonstrations took place on the second Sunday of each month. You may want to have someone double check that for you.
by .. rate this post as useful

Swordsmith 2008/9/5 08:01
I have an "in" with a traditional swordsmith in Seki-city near Nagoya.
You need a little recompense to see it.
by MY rate this post as useful

. 2008/9/5 09:45
MY- I'm going to be in Nagoya in last Septemeber, and would really really be interested in that! Can I email you for details or something?
by Baz rate this post as useful

. 2008/9/5 10:46
Sorry, that should be LATE September.
by Baz rate this post as useful

Swordsmith 2008/9/5 11:07
Your e-mail address ,FAX or TEL?
I'll send you a reply tonight. Speak Japanese?
by MY rate this post as useful

Tosho 2008/9/5 17:49
Bizen Osafune museum forging demonstration is on Sundays from 11am. Getting to watch a smith working other than that is very difficult, and would need an introduction from someone. Good luck, it is an amazing sight.

by Nihonto rate this post as useful

swordsmithing 2008/9/6 10:46
That would be great! My email is khukuri@gmail.com

My partner and only speak a little bit of Japanese, sorry.
by Baz rate this post as useful

swordsmithing 2008/9/8 13:35
MY, if you have sent anything, I haven't got it yet. I hope that email works.
by Baz rate this post as useful

Swordsmith 2008/9/8 14:34
Baz, I sent you e-mail on Sep 6 night. I'll try again tonight.
by MY rate this post as useful

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