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Hagi-no Tsuki Cake
2008/9/7 00:30
We love the Hagi-no Tsuki from Sendai, is a fluffy sponge cake filled with custard cream. Can anyone tell us whether this can be bought in the shops in Narita Airport?
by japcraz
Feel free to search their website or call directly to update yourself. Merchandise come and go. everybody loves Hagi-no-tsuki and although there are plenty of similar souvenior cakes in Japan, some sold in Narita, somehow they could never beat Hagi-no-tsuki. Meanwhile, mail-order is available through various companies, but I'm not sure if they can ship overseas.*:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7TSHJ&q=%E8%90%A9%E3%81%AE%E6%9C%88+%E9%80%9A%E8%B2%A9&revid=1891846290&sa=X&oi=revisions_inline&resnum=0&ct=top-revision&cd=1
by Uco
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