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two bankyu hotels in nikko? 2008/9/13 09:57
Hi, does anyone know how to find and book the Honke Bankyu hotel in Nikko? I found the link to the one in Yunishigawa on Japanican and also here - - but having some difficulty finding the one that's actually in Nikko. Thanks!
by lesley  

seems so 2008/9/13 12:53
Bankyu Ryokan

Bankyu Hotel

The both are located in Yunishigawa Onsen town, in Nikko city, but it takes more than 1 hour to get from Nikko station to the hotel/ryokan
by Ts rate this post as useful

Two different hotels 2008/9/14 07:02
These are two different entities--one is a very traditional, top-notch ryokan. The other is a western style hotel. Obviously the former is more expensive but is far nicer than the latter. In fact, the former, Honke Bankyu Ryokan, has been ranked as one of the top 100 ryokans in Japan for many years.

There are some excellent reviews about it:
by Wanlover rate this post as useful

Re: replies 2008/9/14 09:03
Thanks so much!
by lesley rate this post as useful

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