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Illegal drug use in Japan? 2008/9/20 10:31
Hi, I don't use drugs or anything, but I was wondering how common drug use is in Japan? Is the use of softcore drugs more common (like marijuana) and the use of hardcore drugs less common(like heroin)? Also, would someone get a bad reputation, if it was discovered that he/she was a pot smoker? How about a heroin/coke/meth user?

Please note again that I am not a drug user of any kind! I've just never heard anything about drugs in Japan before. Thanks in advance!
by Olivia  

. 2008/9/20 17:17
Japan has a tough stance on illegal substances, even on substances legal in other countries (eg found in regular medicine) can be illegal in Japan.

If one is found smoking weed for example, their reputation might go down, I can only imagine if it is something worse like Cocaine. Recently there has been a scandal with some Sumo wrestlers who were caught with weed in their drug tests and they were banned from Sumo.

by John rate this post as useful

. 2008/9/20 21:49
Most people in Japan don't know the terms "soft drugs" and "hard drugs". Most people don't know the difference of harshness between mariuana and heroin. They think that the minute you take a small portion, either will ruin both your health and your life. They are right however, that they will ruin your life. For more details, simply search "marijuana" on this Forum.
by Uco rate this post as useful

dont do it 2008/9/20 22:41
In Japan they will hit you hard for distribution. Dont even think about getting anywhere near any type of drug in Singapore. They will hang on the first offense.
by Carl rate this post as useful

lllegal drug use in Japan? 2008/10/7 12:10
No drug. No pot, no rock. If you got any drug, you get discharge. You'll get lock up...
by sara rate this post as useful

drugs 2008/10/7 16:12
Many Japanese, like many people in most countries, use 2 of the most dangerous drugs in the world, responsible for a huge number of death, illnesses and accidents each year. These 2 LEGAL drugs are tobacco and alcohol. In my own town in Canada 2 high school kids just died after binge drinking. This year, as each year, several innocent people died after their cars were hit by drunk drivers. THINK ABOUT IT.
by Sensei 2 rate this post as useful

heaps of us... 2009/12/16 17:29
yep. quite a scene here. second or third biggest economy in the world, the birthplace of speed, and the highest prices in the world for weed.Many do it, few are busted because the local police are really untrained morons.Usually random searches or stupid gai jin dealers in tokyo get done.Used to be mainly imported, but a local growing scene is rapidly expanding.chemicals are big but smack isnt, altho coke is popular and acid is big too.Hard to get into scene, not really a japanese scene, more foreigner based.
by row (guest) rate this post as useful

bad idea 2009/12/16 18:08
I went to Japan as an exchange student. We were told there is a no-tolerance policy with drugs. One student tried to bring marijuana into the country for his own use. He got caught with it and was deported the next day. If you are a foreigner and get caught with drugs they boot you out of the country and will make it hard for you to come back in.

As for natives... from what I gathered it was extremely rare, but if you are caught with such a thing your reputation is pretty much screwed in any respectable circle. After all, Japan is a country where even having a tattoo will get you shunned. (my Japanese professor had lots of tattoos and always had stories of how he is not allowed in many hotels, hot springs, gyms, etc etc..)
by mimi (guest) rate this post as useful

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