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Getting Sofa status 2008/9/21 03:18
Hello, everyone. I'm a Japanese with green card and currently living in the states. My husband is an American citizen born in Okinawa. He misses Okinawa so much and thinking about moving back there. He is hoping that he could get a SOFA status and work on base. But he doesn't have much skills or education. He only has high school diploma. We tried applying for jobs on MCCS and AAFES site but no luck. He is currently working as a production worker here in Washington state.
Is it impossible for him to get a job on base in Okinawa?
by chilchil  

. 2008/9/23 10:42
On-base jobs for non-local nationals are HIGHLY competative (local Okinawan's often get jobs in restaurants, cleaning, maintance etc.), even more competative are those jobs which will provide SOFA status. As I understand it if you have a certian trade/skillset/educational background its easier.

Try asking around on the forums of japanupdate.com many people there are/were in the same position.
by Iko rate this post as useful

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