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Language schools in December 2008/9/26 21:37
Konnichiwa minnasan!
I've been working in Japan for over 2 and half years and my current visa expires next Feb. I'm thinking about quiting soon and travelling or studying Japanese for my remaining few months. I've checked some language school websites but haven't found many courses that start in late Nov/ early December. Anyone have ideas? Ideally i'd like to study anywhere from Kansai to Kyushu. If you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. Cheers!
by Joe  

geos 2008/9/27 12:41
hi joe. geos has an english school in tokyo: kudanshita institute. i studied there for a while. it was not bad and fairly reasonable. most of the students were in their early twenties so i felt like a bit of an old man
by pete rate this post as useful

whoops 2008/9/27 12:42
...make that japanese school
by pete rate this post as useful

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