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Sagano Romantic Train 2008/9/30 04:50
Hello, I'm a bit confused about how to get from Kyoto proper to Arashiama.

I have a JR Pass, but would like to take the Sagano Romantic Train there and the JR train back. (I beleive I'm correct that they are two separate things, yes? )

I've used Hyperdia for JR trains, and was told 37mins and two transfers, but have found more information about the Sagano train difficult!

I think it's the station names that are confusing.

Any help would be wonderful!

by Confused  

... 2008/9/30 09:49
How to get to Arashiyama:

I have a JR Pass, but would like to take the Sagano Romantic Train there and the JR train back.

The Sagano Romantic Train is not a train to get to Arashiyama! It is a train that starts from Arashiyama and runs through a valley.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Look at this 2008/9/30 14:13
I went last year. As a rail fan I found it a little boring. The scenery is quite nice through the river valley but not by any means extraordinary.
Hyperdia will give you all the times if you search
once at Torokkokameoka you can follow the path down to Umahori station for a JR train back to Kyoto. The new JR line that replaced the tourist railway is almost entirely in a tunnel. If you go to this link
the red + symbol will be right on top of Sagaarashiyama station. You can scroll the map to the right to follow the train lines. JR is mostly broken indicating the tunnels.
by RodW rate this post as useful

Spelling error 2008/9/30 21:44
Spelling errors :-
should be Torokkosaga
my apologies.
by RodW rate this post as useful

Oops! 2008/9/30 22:47
Good thing I asked! I was totally wrong, lol.

So it's basically a train to nowhere, but with nice scenery.

How long of a ride is it? Does it head back in the direction of Kyoto proper? Lunch available on board? I thought maybe it'd be nice to explore in the morning and then jump on the train for a nice little moving lunch?

Thanks again
by Confused rate this post as useful

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