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Buy Shinkansen tickets from Fuk Airport 2008/10/1 18:37
How can foreign tourists purchase Shinkansen tickets?

Can we buy from Fukuoka International airport upon arrival?

Can we buy tickets online?

Thank you.

by Shasha  

... 2008/10/2 09:07
How can foreign tourists purchase Shinkansen tickets?

At ticket counters of JR railway stations.

Can we buy from Fukuoka International airport upon arrival?

No, there is no JR ticket counter at Fukuoka Airport. Take the subway to nearby JR Hakata Station, where you will be able to buy tickets.

Can we buy tickets online?

No. There is currently no English online reservation system for the Tokaido/Sanyo or Kyushu Shinkansen (assuming that is these are the lines you want to buy tickets for). Only for the JR East shinkansen lines (Tohoku, Niigata, Nagano) exists an online reservation tool:
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