
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Lake Towadako cruise schedule 2008/10/1 22:07
Hi, does anyone know where I can access the time table for the Lake Towada cruise please? I tried this linke from a question posted last year but looks like it's not operational.

Thank you!
by Yew Jin  

lake towada 2008/10/2 16:30
by towada rate this post as useful

translation to English 2008/10/2 19:19
can anybody translate the relevant part for Oct 30th to English?
by sofi rate this post as useful

... 2008/10/2 19:36
The two tables at the top show the boats between Yasumiya (休屋) and Nenokuchi (子の口). The 2nd of the four columns of each table show the period of operation.

For example, 4/25〜11/10 means that the boat operates between April 25 and November 10.

The third table at the bottom of the page shows the round course cruises, which start and end at Yasumiya. The third and forth columns show departure and arrival times respectively.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Lake Towadako cruise schedule 2008/10/3 00:47
Towada & Uji,

thank you very much for your replies!
by Yew Jin rate this post as useful

Thank you 2008/10/3 01:23
Thank you
by sofi rate this post as useful

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