
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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is kore mo wakaranai correct? 2008/10/6 20:03
What I want to say is: (I) do not know this (question) too.
Can anyone help me with this sentence please?
by fc  

... 2008/10/6 23:05
"Kore mo wakaranai."
= I don't know/understand this one either.
= I don't know the (answer to) this one either.
If you are talking about not knowing the answer to "this question either," correct.

You could say:
- Kono shitsumon mo wakaranai. (I don't know this question either.)
- Kono shitsumon no kotae mo wakaranai. (I don't know the asnwer to this question either.)
by AK rate this post as useful

thanks 2008/10/7 00:04
yeap I'm trying to say: I do not know (the answer to) this one (question) either.

Thanks a lot =)
by fc rate this post as useful

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