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Bram minimizers in Tokyo 2008/10/8 13:08
I am looking for a bra minimizer in Tokyo.Back in the US I could find it anywhere including the Walmart.But no luck in Tokyo yet.Without it I am too uncomfortable.Off course I can order on the net but fit trying makes me comfortable.So please help me if anyone knows where to look for it.Thnks.
by Veronica  

Me too 2009/10/20 12:27
I am also looking for minimizer bras in Tokyo.Yes back home you can find it almost anywhere.Here the situation is opposite.Everyone seems to be after Bust Up thing.I really need to find one early..Can't wear my Fav Tshirts without it.I can order it on the net..Even tried to find few japanese sites but trying makes me comfortable when it comes to selection of undergarments.Please let me know any shop in Tokyo where I can find the minimizer bras.
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