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Soccer in Japan 2008/10/16 02:44
Is there any chance to play amateur soccer in Japan? I would like to see the country. I'm a good soccer player and I'll be glad to play in an amateur team in exchange of a little job, house and food. Just to be there for a while.
by Matías  

Probably not. 2008/10/16 09:55
Nope, probably not. First of all, it makes no sense from an amateur football club's perspective to have a temporary deal and have to go through visa paperwork. Secondly, if they had any open positions like that, they'd probably go the domestic route and wouldn't deal with a foreigner.

You're probably off going the more traditional route and becoming a teacher or just coming on holiday.
by RUFkcal rate this post as useful

not necessarily just teaching 2008/10/16 13:57
Like the above poster said, it's very unlikely to live in Japan that way but you have more ways to enter the country than just teaching. You can become a student at a uni and probably play for the team. Or if you have a 4-year degree, you can maybe start teaching, than later on transition into playing soccer full time. Or, if your really, really good, you can play for your country's team, then maybe Japan will notice you and get traded. There's a few other ways. Just search around.
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