
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Imperial Palace & Garden 2008/10/20 13:32
We've only 1 hr or so to spare when visiting the garden and Nijubashi Bridge. We'll train to Otemachi sta. about 9am and enter by the Otemon Gate. Would there be signs directing us to the East Garden and then to the Nijubashi Bridge. After which we plan to walk to Mitsukoshi
in Ginza. Is this possible? How long is the walk?

by lsee  

... 2008/10/20 16:29
Would there be signs directing us to the East Garden and then to the Nijubashi Bridge.

Yes, there are maps and signs. But note that Otemachi is a huge station complex and some considerable walking might be involved.

Inside the East Gardens, there is again lots of walking involved. In fact, just a visit to the East Gardens could easily fill up an hour.

To Nijubashi it is another 5-10 minute walk. And to Mistukoshi another 30 minutes.

A total time frame of two hours sounds more realistic to me.
by Uji rate this post as useful

... 2008/10/20 18:55
Hi Uji, I read that Imperial palace will be open on 23 dec and 2 jan for public, Do I have to reserve first so I can enter? If so, do you know where I can make an advance reservation?

Thanks in advance
by frogprincess rate this post as useful

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