
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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How to say ga film starring ....h? 2008/10/20 21:06
A couple of weeks back I asked how to say gI watched a film called [title]h. ( - [Title] to iu eiga wo mimashita.)

Ifm now wondering how youfd say gI watched a film called [title]. It starred [actor]h.

by harkins  

,, 2008/10/21 13:17
It starred [actor]h

shyuen wa [actor] desu.
by im rate this post as useful

... 2008/10/21 20:14
If you want to put it together and say "I watched a film titled [A], starring actor/actress [B]," then it will be:
- A to iu, B ga shuen no eiga wo mimashita.
- A to iu, B ga shuyaku no eiga wo mimashita.

"shuen (suru)" means "to star," and "shuyaku" means "main role/character."
(You could turn around the "titled A" and "starring B" bits too :))
by AK rate this post as useful

Cheers 2008/10/22 18:30
Thanks for the answers. I seem to learn more useful things on this site than I do in my lessons!
by harkins rate this post as useful

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