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Itami to Tokushima at night? 2008/10/24 09:05
I will arrive jetlagged with 3 kids into Itami airport, at 7:15pm. Is there any easy way to get to Tokushima the same night?

I don't see any Highway bus from Itami to Tokushima, is there one?
by Dino  

For starters 2008/10/24 15:20
Dino my Kanji is very limited but I know that there are plenty of buses from Itami in to Osaka ( including Nanba ) and from looking at http://www.tokubus.co.jp/highway/highway_info.html
it seems that there might be a bus from Nanba to Tokushima as late as 2150
Apologies if I am way off but it's that Kanji thing :-)
Why can't they write it in Hiragana for us gaijin to read.
by RodW rate this post as useful

No direct bus. 2008/10/24 23:27
I checked the official airport website and there seems to be no direct bus from/to Tokushima.

For example, a JR bus departs at JR Osaka ST at 2120 and arrives at JR Tokushima ST at 23:59. So There will be some buses available once you reach Osaka in the evening.
by Ts rate this post as useful

change a bus at Osaka station 2008/10/24 23:54
RodW, I'm sorry that they don't write it in Hiragana or Roman alphabet.

I picked some schedules from the webpage that RodW linked.

No. 09Namba 07Osaka-station 01Tokushima
119 20:25 21:00 23:25
120 -- 21:20 23:40
121 21:25 22:00 0:25
122 21:50 22:25 0:45
No.121 is a Nankai-bus, others are Tokushima-bus.

The No.07 bus stop Osaka-station is in HERBIS OSAKA. Many buses go to there from Itami airport. That is nearer than Namba, from Itami. I suppose it is faster to change a bus at there.
But, I've never taken these buses. RodW, please check the above.
by hokusetsu rate this post as useful

Sorry. Tokushima bus schedule 2008/10/25 00:57
Sorry for bad expression of bus schedule. Please look at the following.

The bus No.119 departs from Osaka station at 21:00 and arrives to Tokushima at 23:25.
The bus No.120 departs from Osaka station at 21:20 and arrives to Tokushima at 23:40.
The bus No.121 departs from Osaka station at 22:00 and arrives to Tokushima at 00:25.
The bus No.122 departs from Osaka station at 22:25 and arrives to Tokushima at 00:45.
(No.121 is a Nankai-bus, others are Tokushima-bus.)

The bus stop called Osaka station is in HERBIS OSAKA. Many buses go to there from Itami airport. You should change a bus at there.
by hokusetsu rate this post as useful

THANK YOU 2008/10/25 03:09
Thank you all very much for your great answers!
I lived many years in Kanto, and find Kansai very confusing.

by Dino rate this post as useful

Please 2008/10/25 06:49
Please, no apologies for me not being able to read Kanji. My comment was somewhat tongue in cheek....it is after all a Japanese website for Japanese people. Hey at least I was on the right track :-) or bus as it were.
by RodW rate this post as useful

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