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what kind of footwear for early dec? 2008/11/1 15:43
i'm going to hokkaido & tokyo on 8 dec what kind of shoe should i wear except boots ?
by estella  

... 2008/11/2 09:09
It depends on where you go and what you will be doing. In most regions of Hokkaido you are likely to encounter snow.
by Uji rate this post as useful

. 2008/11/2 12:47
In Tokyo, you can wear almost anything, except for perhaps sandals which might be a bit too cold for you.

If you're only visiting cities in Hokkaido, you can get away with ordinary sneakers or even Loafers. In Kiosks, they sell a little rubber half-sole that you can slip on your shoes so that you will not slip on the snow. In the cities, you will be walking on pavements that are covered with snow that have been made firm so that people can easily walk on it.

It would be best if you apply spray on your shoes to make it water-proof. Warm socks will do the trick, too.

Locals in Hokkaido seem to wear high heals, but I wouldn't recommend that to those who are not used to snow. Every year, locals in Tokyo slip over sudden snow and break their bones.

Disposable warmers are sold at drug stores, both in Tokyo and Hokkaido. Ask for "Hokaron". There are ones designed to put in your shoes and there are ones designed to stick on your back and ones designed to put in your pocket.
by Uco rate this post as useful

thks 2008/11/2 15:37
thanks for the advice its really help me what to choose now.
by estella rate this post as useful

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