Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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The tourist that decides to stay.... 2008/11/4 03:36
I'm pretty sure I know the answer but I was wondering if you enter Japan as a tourist and get a job offer while you are out there whether or not it will be the same situation as getting a working visa while you are out there?
by Brian  

... 2008/11/4 08:21
You would need to change your status of residence from "temporary visitor" (tourist) to the relevant status that allows working, e.g. "instructor" or "specialist in humanities" etc.

If you manage to get all formalities done before your tourist visa expires, you can apply for the change of status from within Japan. Otherwise, you would have to leave Japan once.
by Uji rate this post as useful

. 2008/11/5 03:06
Thanks for the answer, I appreciate it!

I really would love to live in Japan but I'm finding that it is not so simple of a task as just picking up and going over there, which is quite unfortunate. Though, the fact that it is difficult to go over there to live makes me want to be there even more.
by Brian rate this post as useful

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