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Room heaters 2008/11/5 11:51
What is more cost-effective and efficient to heat a 6 jo room?

-Built-in aircon heater
-Electric oil heater?

Thank you.
by Simon Wong  

Japanese traditional heater 2008/11/5 12:54
by n10 rate this post as useful

. 2008/11/5 14:12
Out of the two types, a kerosine heater is much better. They make life much more comfortable and are pretty cheap to run. As for a kotatsu, I only have a small palce so that would take up too much room, but they are extremely warm. The built-in air con/heaters can be pretty expensive and aren't as nearly as effective.
by Smoke rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/5 14:25
When you say electric oil heater do you mean electric oil filled heaters like this:


If so that is very different from the kerosene heaters that smoke mentioned.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

. 2008/11/5 14:59
I've never seen heaters like this here in Japan;

If it were available, I'm sure it would cost more than it should and that you would have trouble finding someone to fix it in case it breaks down.

You are probably talking about the type of oil heater that people call "electric fan heater." In any case, needless to say, oil heaters definitely have more risk of fire disasters, and you'll need to go to the gas station to have your plastic container filled with oil and then take the time to pour it into the heater without spilling it on your floor.

Personally, my preferance is a kotatsu combined with new wall-type air-conditioner. It's plainly comfortable. And if you're using a table to dine on, why not use a kotatsu instead?

Otherwise, a gas heater would be easy to use and very efficient.

But it also depends on what region/climate you live in and what kind of a building it is.
by Uco rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/5 16:21
I've seen them at my local home center and online:


I find their prices comparable to the US and this type of heater doesn't really have a lot that can break on it. However, they are not very common in Japan compared to kotatsu, gas, or electric radiating heaters. The reason I'm asking is because Simon may already have one as he only mentions electric oil heater and air-con as options.

If it is a choice between those two then I would expect that the electric oil heater is more energy efficient than the air-con. Personally I prefer a kerosene heater as it is very cost efficient and heats the entire room and I find that with a Kotatsu I am still cold from the waist up.

If you are going to go shopping for a new heater be aware that the operating costs vary a lot among the different types. Usually gas is the cheapest, followed by electric, with electric radiating heaters (like this: http://www.amazon.co.jp/Cest-La-Vie-CLV-094-%E5%8D%B3%E6%9A%...) being rather inefficient and more expensive to run.
by yllwmsrf rate this post as useful

More specifically 2008/11/7 22:21
I suppose I should be a little more specific. Which one would be more expensive to operate, hence more on my electric bill?

a) Built-in Aircon heater
b) oil heater (which I can find at any Bic/Yodabashi Camera) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_heater

Thanks again.
by Simon rate this post as useful

how to calculate 2008/11/8 18:14
Simon, this is not a simple answer, but I hope it helps.

Electric bills depends totally on "electrical power consumption 消費電力". And the amount of electrical power consumption of each heater is printed on their pamphlets that are available free of charge at any of the stores, and is also indicated in each manufacterures' official website.

For example, for the new air conditioner we use, it says that the electrical power consumption for heating is 420W on their smallest machine. Usually a 6-jo room in Tokyo can be heated by these types of air-conditioners. Note that new machines tend to save your electricity bills compared to old machines, as they are "ecology-friendly" so-to-speak.

I don't have details for oil heaters, but I'm sure you can check them by yourself. However, you need to keep in mind the price of oil you use additional to the electricity. The amount of necessary oil can also be calculated by taking a look at the pamphlets.

Prices for both oil electricity change from time to time, but oil prices tend to change more often. We all know that oil prices were very high a few weeks ago, but now getting back to its ordinary price. It pretty much depends on the U.S. economy.

Efficiency is another issue. In a typical, modern, well-built home in Tokyo, an electric air conditioner is usually all you need. However, as oil or gas is warmer, it might suit you in cheaper housings, colder places, or if you are not used to cold weather. Plus, you can move it around. On the other hand, air-conditioners can also cool your room, so you won't have to buy anything extra in summer.

If you're living in an apartment building, why not ask for advise to your neighbors who are obviously living in a similar condition?
by Uco rate this post as useful

thx 2008/11/9 02:40
Uco, thanks for your input. I'll continue my research. FYI, oils heaters don't actually need to be 'filled' by oil or petrol. They work as is. My apartment building is about 6 to 8 years old so I can assume that the aircon unit that I have is fairly current.
by Simon rate this post as useful

oil heaters 2008/11/23 21:28
I was told that electrical oil heaters are cheaper to run BUT of course they cost about 2man Yen. I was also told that sleeping with the air-con (hot or cold) will lead to colds... so having an oil heater which stays warm after being turned on, has a timer and a thermostat would be the best option.
by kurakuen rate this post as useful

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