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JRPass or Single fare? 2008/11/6 15:08
My husband and I are visiting Japan early January and are planning on traveling by train to/from the following:
Osaka to Kyoto
Kyoto to Hiroshima
Hiroshima to Tokyo (we would like to get the bullet train here)
Around Tokyo?
Sapporo to Niseko
Advice on whether a JR Pass is worth it for our trip or whether individual fares is better or any other train ticket that we do not know of.
Thank you
by Kez  

Time 2008/11/6 16:35
It totally depends on the period of time that you plan to do it in. How many days/weeks will you be there?
by RodW rate this post as useful

itenerary 2008/11/6 16:50
This is our plan:
30 Dec Arrive and stay in Osaka
31 Dec Osaka to Kyoto (train, stay in Kyoto till 3 Jan
3 Jan Kyoto to Hiroshima (train), stay in Hiroshima
4 Jan Hiroshima to Tokyo (train), stay in Tokyo till 8 Jan
8 Jan Fly Tokyo to Sapporo, stay in Sapporo
9 Jan Sapporo to Niseko (train), stay in Niseko till 16 Jan
16 Jan Niseko to Sapporo (train), flight to Kobe
17 Jan Kobe to Osaka (train)

Thank you. Not sure what to do with the trains from Niseko to Sapporo and back either.

by kez rate this post as useful

By JR Pass, 2008/11/6 17:01
I assume you mean the JR Rail Pass. As you are catching plenty of trains and bullet trains, you would be much better getting that than paying for individual tickets. Looks like you will need a two week pass. This will work out to be much cheaper than paying for all your tickets as you go. (Sorry I don't know the link but there is plenty of info on this site for details of the JR Rail Pass.)
by Smoke rate this post as useful

Cost 2008/11/6 17:49

31 Dec Osaka to Kyoto
Cost Y540 by a commuter or Y1480 on a LTD express with a reservation.

3 Jan Kyoto to Hiroshima
Cost Y10590 ( max 10890 by Nozomi )

4 Jan Hiroshima to Tokyo
Cost Y17850 (Y18350 max by Nozomi)

For that bit get a JR 7 day pass at Y 28300. You will also be able to use it from Kansai on day 1 if that is your entry point.

You will not be allowed to use the Nozomi but will still be a little in front and have the option of other JR travel at no cost.

For the rest buy tickets.

9 Jan Sapporo to Niseko
Cost Y2400 ( max ) each way with reserved seat

17 Jan Kobe to Osaka
Cost Y390
by RodW rate this post as useful

if you don't know 2008/11/6 17:51
"I assume you mean the JR Rail Pass. As you are catching plenty of trains and bullet trains, you would be much better getting that than paying for individual tickets. Looks like you will need a two week pass. This will work out to be much cheaper than paying for all your tickets as you go. (Sorry I don't know the link but there is plenty of info on this site for details of the JR Rail Pass.)
by Smoke "
If you don't know don't guess
A two week pass would put these people seriously out of pocket !
by RodW rate this post as useful

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