
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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English-Japanese Translation Question 2008/11/11 08:37
How would you say
"It's time to collect some cans."
(As in canned goods of course).

My japanese dictionary says "it's time to do" is "...suru jikan da/desu..." and can is "kan" and canned food is "kanzume," but how do you put that together into the sentence I mentioned above.

Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
by Yetislayer  

... 2008/11/11 11:14
Well, I don't have a full answer for you, but I'm not sure that is how to say it. I would think you would use the "mashou" form of to collect, meaning more along the lines of "lets collect cans":

kan wo atsumemashou.

The way you are going about it would be more like:

kan wo atsumeru no jikan desu.

But I would wait for AK or someone else for a better answer.
by bgalfond rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/11 11:46
bgalfond, you are very close! :) If you want to say "It's time to collect the canned food," then it would be:
- Kanzume wo atsumeru jikan desu.

"kan" = cans
"kanzume" = canned/tinned food
"atsumeru" = (verb) to collect, gather

...but I would like to ask the orignal poster, what do you mean by "collect the canned food"? Under what kind of circumstances would you say this? There may be more appropriate phrasing depending on exactly what you want to do...
by AK rate this post as useful

original poster response 2008/11/12 00:13
I am making a pokemon-themed video for a canned food drive we are having at school. I want to say it in an excited,exaggerated-smiling face fashion, like "Let's collect some cans."
But yes, I think what you two said was very good and I thank you for the quick responses.
by Yetislayer rate this post as useful

. 2008/11/12 01:05
Are you actually go houses to pick up canned foods or is there a bin for people to drop at your school? It can make some difference. The one you can use either way is: Kanzume wo kifu shite kudasai (Please donate canned foods) OR kanzume wo kifu shimashou (Let's donate canned foods).
by . rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/12 07:52
Kids will bring them into school and put them in a bin in their homerooms. Just one question, how does your answer differ from the one above yours?
by Yetislayer rate this post as useful

time to can it 2008/11/15 14:19
It's time to collect some cans

kudasai, Can no korecto de nani desu ka (answer) hai or iie,
(reply) soo desu ne

Could get the message across
by Rhubarb rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/17 16:20

I'm sorry but your sentence does not make sense. "kudasai" is not a replacement for "please," so cannot be used at the beginnning of a sentence like shown, and "can no korecto de nani desu ka" barely says anything. Please, I appreciate your efforts to provide some answer, but please do put more efforts into your understanding of the Japanese language grammar.
by AK (Japanese) rate this post as useful

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