
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Long-ish term storage 2008/11/14 14:19

I need to store some stuff (probably a large duffel bag although I may add a snowboard etc. to that at some point) for around a month. Although there are storage facilities at Narita (http://www.narita-airport.jp/en/guide/service/list/svc_06.ht...) I am hoping someone knows of a facility in central Tokyo. Ideally a big locker thing that I can access whenever I need to. Something like this - www.bigyellow.co.uk - would be great.

All advice would be appreciated!

Also, I have heard a rumour there is an ex-pats helpline run by some nice ladies in Ginza - don't suppose anyone knows the number?! Figured they would also be good people to ask!

Thanks very much.

by Phin  

Bump! 2008/11/19 15:35

I have since found out that I have a job in Japan, starting next March. Therefore my need to store stuff is even more pressing (there is a bunch of stuff I really don't need to cart back to England) so I am bumping this up in the hope that someone can help me.

Thanks very much!

by Phin rate this post as useful

Closure 2008/11/25 15:29
Well, in the interests of closure (and for the benefit of anyone else searching!) I have finally managed to track down answers to both my questions. Whilst talking to myself makes me feel insane, I will tell you (me) then answers anyway ;)

The ex-pats helpline details are below:

Tokyo Metropolitan Foreign Residents' Advisory Center
Hours: 9:30~12:00, 13:00~16:00
English: Monday to Friday Tel 5320-7744

They advised me to go to www.quraz.com which have several locations around Tokyo and cost from 4,500 per month (more if you have any large things to store).

However, they do not speak English so you will need to be accompanied by a Japanese person, or a Japanese speaker.

Woo - closure complete!
by Phin rate this post as useful

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