
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Short Term Intensive Language Program 2008/11/16 09:33
Hi I know similar questions have posted before but I am still looking for some additional information.

My husband and I moved to Tokyo a few months ago because of his work. I am looking for a 2-3 months long intensive Japanese program in Tokyo. Ideally it will be 2-3 times a week, a few hours each day, and for adults (ie not for college students). I've checked the old posts and found the following:

Kudan institute - schedule is too intense (5 times a week, full day each time) and kind of expensive

Temple University's Continuous Educaton program - this seems reasonable in terms of pace and cost

Sophia University's Extension program - this is similar to Temple U, although I prefer Temple U's schedule.

Are there others that I should check out? I have no visa or lodging issues. Oh and I've studied Japanese for a year when I was in unversity years ago, so am looking for an intermediate class.

Thank you in advance for any information.
by Kissmark  

Naganuma 2008/11/17 01:54
I'm not sure if it also has courses for just a few days a week, but they do offer a wide range of courses from two months to two years from beginner to advanced level. You can check this website: http://www.naganuma-school.or.jp/ I really enjoyed my time there and there are people from all over the world and from all ages.
by Sibylle rate this post as useful

... 2008/11/17 10:54
I also endorse Naganuma school mentioned by the poster above. I personally know a few people who have been there and are now quite fluent with the language.

With your specific requirements, it might be advisable to ask this school to set up private tutor sessions; normally regular classes run 5 days a week, several hours each day, for one semester, and intensive courses run several hours each day for one full month.
by AK rate this post as useful

thanks 2008/11/28 11:34
thanks for the two replies above. are there other recs?
by Kissmark rate this post as useful

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