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Ways to get to Toyoko Inn Narita Airport 2008/11/30 14:25
Hi all,i am lost of how to get to TOYOKO INN NARITA AIRPORT.I will be from somewhere in tokyo. which station shall i stop?should i take the train till narita terminal1@2 and take shuttle bus from there?
i am confused and lost
by alossoul  

... 2008/11/30 16:30
Yes, taking the train to the airport and then transfer to the bus is the best way to get to the hotel. You can go to either terminal 1 or 2, but transferring at terminal 2 is slightly faster. Note that buses in direction of the hotel only operate in the afternoon:

by Uji rate this post as useful

Thanks!!! 2008/11/30 18:15
hey...thanks a LOT!!!that is really helpful...i dunot know how to get that information.

by alossoul rate this post as useful

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