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Platform change at Matsumoto station 2008/12/4 17:15
Hi! Does anyone know if it'll be a struggle to change from platform 6 to platform 1 at Matsumoto station in less than 4 minutes?
by Dave-from-Sydney  

... 2008/12/4 17:21
Here's a map of the station:

It looks a little far, but 4 mins might be enough if you hurry.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Thanks! 2008/12/4 17:30
Thanks for that! Much appreciated. Does anyone know approximately how far that distance is on the maps?
by Dave-from-Sydney rate this post as useful

... 2008/12/4 18:14
The tracks are about 50 meters apart from each other. You might have to pass a ticket gate, since you transfer between different railway companies. Without unexpected surprises, four minutes should be enough.
by Uji rate this post as useful

... 2008/12/4 18:26
You might have to pass a ticket gate, since you transfer between different railway companies

Please ignore the above. It is not true. There is no gate, and both trains are the same railway company (JR). You should have no problem doing the transfer in four minutes.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Thanks again 2008/12/4 18:29
Thanks so much Uji!
by Dave-from-Sydney rate this post as useful

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