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Bring a backpack or a trolley luggage? 2008/12/15 23:53
Hi, I am going to Japan next week. I am wondering should I bring a backpack or a trolley luggage. I will be going to Kanazawa, Shirakawa-go, Takayama and Tokyo. Any suggestions? Will it be troublesome to bring a trolley luggage?
by Jen  

Either 2008/12/16 09:34
Either option will be sufficient, it just depends on what you are most comfortable bringing.
I traveled to Takayama from Tokyo last month using trolley luggage, and had no problems with storage. In fact, the luggage fit perfectly on the shelf above my seat in the train. In the past I've traveled with a large camping style backpack, and that too easily fit above my seat on the train.
by Smilin' Bob rate this post as useful

backpack may be better 2008/12/16 16:53
I personally would suggest a backpack. I agree that storage of either shouldn't be a problem, but for transportation, it might be easier to have something you can easily carry. I worry that your trolley luggage might have a hard time rolling on certain streets, and it might be easier to navigate Japan's often narrow streets with a backpack.

But again, whatever you're most comfortable with.
by Emili rate this post as useful

Both are easy 2008/12/16 19:37
I am 59 and always use a wheeled case. Never had any problems with it in five trips to Japan other than dragging it through some deep snow.
by RodW rate this post as useful

Thank you! 2008/12/17 00:04
Hi all. Thanks for your replies. I will stick to trolley luggage then. :)
by Jen rate this post as useful

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