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Tax refund on Airpass 2008/12/16 19:24
I have airpasss from JAL to use on 2 sectors, can i claim a refund on the 5% tax once I leave Japan? At Kansai airport?
by Ian  

. 2008/12/17 09:13
I don't think it's possible unless your domestic flights are connected to international ones within 24 hours. Furthermore, if that's the case, JAL won't charge the tax in the first place.
by optimistk rate this post as useful

... 2008/12/17 11:15
I believe that tax refunds of the 5% consumption tax are done at the point of sale. Meaning its not really a refund, they just don't add in the tax.

For example, duty free shopping is only available at certain stores that advertise it. They just don't charge you the tax. Other than that I don't think that there is anywhere to go to claim a refund, so if you've already paid it there's no way to get it back.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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