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Do they sell Febreze anywhere in Japan? 2008/12/17 05:35
I love febreze and I was just wondering if they sell any there?
by Clean freak  

Yes 2008/12/17 09:25
They sell it at any supermarket, department store or chemist.
by Smoke rate this post as useful

... 2008/12/17 11:40
many convenience stores carry it too. its really easy to find.

Here's their Japanese site:
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

thank you 2008/12/17 13:39
thank you so much!!!! I love febreze a ton, and I don't think I could go anywhere without having some with me, just like sanatizer, it's a must have. Thank you all so much!!
by Clean freak rate this post as useful

and!! 2009/1/8 18:47
I've seen it at Donkey Hote stores too!
by erin rate this post as useful

store name 2009/1/11 16:50
Please please!!! it is not "Donkey Hote"!!! but Don Quijotte, from Don Quixotte (there are several possible spellings), the name of the unlucky hero of one of the most famous books ever written in the whole world. Its author is Miguel de Cervantes, a 16th century Spaniard. The book used to be compulsory reading in high schools--at least in Europe--and has been made in many movies, ballets etc. and an extremely famous Broadway musical "The Man of la Mancha". The song "the impossible dream" has been recorded by thousands of singers around the world.
by Monkey see (guest) rate this post as useful

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