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Bringing food to japan 2008/12/17 22:29
Hi, i travelled through japan just recently, and on arriving in kansai airport, and leaving kansai airport, i did not have any of my bags checked or scanned or anything...Do they not care about bringing in seeds, nuts and other organic produce from other countries? i ask because if i come back to japan....i really like to eat a seed mix daily that i purchase here in australia that i am sure you could not get in japan. And if they do not check, i wont have a problem? thanks
by JoelF  

more or less same rules here 2008/12/18 08:59
They do care, for the same reasons as they do in Australia, they just don't enforce the rules as strongly. It is possible that you could have seeds confiscated if they were found, but my feeling is that you would be all right if they were obviously food rather than seeds for planting.
by Sira rate this post as useful

... 2008/12/18 13:08
They have rules about not bringing in organic material for a reason. It can be really damaging if that type of thing gets into the environment, even by reaching landfill from you putting it in the bin. I think you should respect these rules even if they aren't going to check.
by AusEz rate this post as useful

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