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Disney sea 2008/12/21 00:42
Is it good time to visit Disney sea on 23 Dec
by baablo  

Disney Sea 2008/12/21 14:39
Considering the fact that it's a regular day and not a holiday for most people, it shouldn't be that bad. Also, since you're talking about Sea and not Disneyland, that would also be a difference.
by Psycho M rate this post as useful

... 2008/12/21 14:52
The above poster is incorrect. The 23rd is a national holiday in Japan (its the Emperor's birthday) and likely one of the busiest days of the year for both Disneysea and Disneyland. If you are flexible in your schedule, then the 22nd will probably be the least crowded day this week. After that it will be significantly more crowded than usual.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

So Sorry 2008/12/21 15:33
Oops, I'm so sorry, yllwsmrf is absolutely CORRECT. For some reason, I overlooked the fact that the National Holiday is on Tuesday rather than on Monday. Sorry for the carelessness.
by Psycho Mike rate this post as useful

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